Sunday, June 12, 2011

God has Given Me A Job...or two

I had a great day at church this morning. And not just because the kids left for their dad's yesterday. I truly believe when you listen and obey god good things will happen. Maybe not all the time and it doesn't guarantee that nothing bad will ever happen, but I do believe good things can and do happen.
I love my bible study class. I love Mrs. is such a wonderful, loving Christian lady. She is the one is our teacher, but I think of her as more of a bible study partner, helping to guide us in the right path. I love reading and discussing a new chapter that we read each week. Mrs, Shirley is also the reason why I have grown closer to god, she was put into my life to for a reason and I am eternally grateful for her.
After bible study, we head to the fellowship hall as we normally do and have refreshments and chat. This morning as I was checking out some wonderful materials that Mrs. Sharon brought back from conference, I couldn't help but overhear her talking with another member of our church about google key words and rankings. I don't claim to be a web-pro or anything, but I have picked up some tips through the last few years. I couldn't help myself, I included a tidbit about social media to the conversation. Mrs. Sharon thought it was a wonderful idea and asked me to create a page and get it started. Of course, since I enjoy this stuff, I gladly accepted. Yup, god, I am listening and obeying! Our church now has its own facebook page!
As I continued to go through all the wonderful information on the table, there was information about doing a pumpkin patch, sponsored with our church. I have been wanting to see one of these in Hawthorne for a few years! I thought it was great. Off to Mrs. Sharon I go again. She loves the idea, which is why she grabbed the information. So now I am helping with getting a pumpkin patch in the fall. What a great way to bring the community to our little church...the programs that can be done also with the local school and day cares. Awesome!!
After comes Mrs. Sharon again. Oh boy.....god is really trusting me to do his will! I am excited and a bit scared at the same time. I really hope I can live up to his name!
She relayed a little story to me. She said as she was driving back from conference, she felt god speaking to her. She said she heard him tell her to help get something for the kids, an interpretive dance with flags. Something that will keep them engaged and learning about god and Jesus. She heard my name since I am a former flag/guard in high school. She just knew it was god speaking to her. Of course I said yes....she asked me to get something going for a back to school in August. I have a deadline and so much to do!!

WOW! God is Good!

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